The Handwriting Tag

by - 3:32 PM

I was very exctied to see that I was tagged for this one. Most of the time I feel like tags force you to answer awkward questions, but the quality of these things have gone up a lot over the past few months :) The Handwriting Tag is something I'd never expected to find on the internet, where looking at a video of a sleeping cat isactually more important than being able to spell the word 'cat'.
Anyway, I was tagged and had to write my questions by hand. Not a very big problem, except for the fact that I write in three different styles. The first one is the one I use when taking notes in class: totally illegible to anyone but me. Then there's the one I use for writing down ideas and quick notes to my Mom. According to her, this is almost as illegible as the first one.
And then there's the handwriting you see on my tests and in my blogging notebook. Straight, clear and totally decipherable! That's the one I'll be showing you in my Handwriting Tag :)

Stay Awesome!

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16 Fellow Ramblers

  1. Your handwriting is so pretty! Oh my goodness... ^-^

    1. Thank you ^.^ It takes a lot of time to write like this, so most of the time it looks a little shabbier :P

  2. I love seeing people's handwriting- and I think it's actually an art form because it's so personal and no two people write exactly the same, plus people are writing by hand less and less nowadays. And I'v got to say, your curly letter 'g's are fabulous! :) xx

    1. I agree with that, hand writing can be considered art. If I ever had kids, I'll teach them how to write with a pen, no matter how little they'll use the skill.
      Thanks for complimenting my 'g'. I like curly letters best, like the 'y' and such, because I can make those a little less straight so they'll stand out in written works.

  3. I find the difference between the size of the caps and the rest of the letters really nice- it makes the handwriting look like one of those really cute blogger fonts :D

    1. Haha, I never looked at my handwriting that way! But now that you've drawn my attention to it, I can't see it any other wat anymore :)

  4. Thanks for tagging me! :D
    It's a great tag to get to know others more personally. :)

    1. You're welcome!
      I think this is a great tag too - handwriting is something very personal and more or less a dying art. Can't wait to see yours ;)

  5. You have such beautiful handwriting! If only I could write like that <3
    Thank you so much Envy for tagging me! This looks so interesting:)
    The Journeys of My Beating Heart

    1. Thank you! Took me a lot of practice to write like this :)
      You're welcome, by the way. It's a fun tag, I hope you enjoy it ;)

  6. This tag is such a good idea!! Your handwriting is so cute too ^_~

    -Riley XO

    1. Thank you, my handwriting has never been called 'cute' before ^.^

  7. Your handwriting is so beautiful, Envy! <3 Tee hee no need to take notes on German grammar; I'm sure you are already amazing! :)

    Thanks so much for tagging me!

    1. Thanks Yasmine :)
      I don't want to brag about my grammar, but even my teachers say it's okay if I tune out during class, since my skills are already good enough :P

  8. What a good idea for a tag! You have excellent handwriting!

    1. Thank you. I have to admit I'm pretty proud of my handwriting at times like these :P


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