Ever since fandoms became a thing in the Netherlands ,
I’ve been trying to grasp the rules of these over-the-top groups of fans.
Because there are certain rules, unwritten laws, that you have to stick to. If
you don’t, you’re just a regular pathetic nerd.
Since quitting the fandom nonsense, I’ve observed that
small fangirl population at my high school. It made me realize that the rules
are… complicated. Unfair is also a great word to describe them. Based on my
observations and experiences, I can now introduce you to the Four Fandom Rules.
#1: Be picky
First of all you have to choose the right fandom. Yes, you can choose a
wrong fandom, in which case you’ll get the label of pathetic nerd again.
Accepted fandoms in the Netherlands are: Doctor Who,
Supernatural, Harry Potter and the Fault in our Stars.
NOT accepted are: Batman, anything and everything from
Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, everything else with the word ‘star’ in its name,
the Hunger Games, Under the Dome, Game of Thrones and so on…
(Sorry for the bad quality, scanner broke down...) |
#2: Don’t forget to fangirl

Fangirling includes a lot of inarticulate screaming
(‘Ohmahgahd sofrikkinasum!’), jumping up and down with excitement (faked
excitement for the more experienced fangirls out there, ‘cause being excited
all the time is a strain on those fixated brains) and forcing everyone within a
two mile radius to like your fandom, even though they actually hate it because
of your own moronic behaviour.
WARNING: you can not
fangirl over an unaccepted fandom. Trying to convert innocent bystanders to
your fandom with prove of its awesomeness or actual arguments is also a no-go.
#3: Don’t give a thing about the original material
Also very important (at least in the Netherlands ):
you don’t care about the storyline, the characters or the original books/comics
when you fangirl over a movie or tv-series. You fangirl over the actors.
Quick example: according to the Fandom Philosophy, I
should have gone to the new Captain America movie because of Chris Evans’
abs. Not because of the plot, not because I wanted to know who the Winter
Soldier is, not because I’m into the Marvel universe, hell no. Fandom
Philosophy dictates that I should have gone just because Chris Evans looks good
with his shirt off. Okay, I admit it, I even said on this blog that I would’ve
liked to see him shirtless in the movie, but that wasn’t the most important
thing to me. I like the concept of Captain America , the idea behind this dude.
And with that being said, I’m not welcome in the Dutch Department of the Marvel
Fandom anymore.
#4: Tell, don’t show
For some reason it’s the worst thing you can do:
wearing a shirt or necklace that shows to which fandom you belong. A small
accesoire from an accepted fandom, like a keychain, is okay. More or less. It
won’t be widely appreciated, but your life won’t get any worse.
Batman sweaters, Mockinjay necklaces and Captain America shirts
are about the worst things you can wear. It’s better to fangirl all day long
with a Harry Potter keychain on your backpack that you’ve carefully hidden
under the table, than wearing a Batman sweater in public without fangirling at
The fangirl community is a weird place in the Netherlands .
It’s almost impossible not to offend anyone with a set of rules like these.
I’ve never been good at following social rules, though I always tried. But I
draw a line here. If the Fandom Philosophy doesn’t allow me to like Captain America , I’m
I’ll make up my own rules.