
To All the Blog Buddies I've Had Before

by - 8:14 PM

Hey there!

It's Envy here. Remember me? I was that Dutch girl who had no idea what to do with her blog during her first two years in the blogosphere. My posts weren't that great, yet I hope you still remember me. 'Cause once upon a time, I considered you my blog buddy.

Starting a blog isn't easy. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of blogs that were all so much better than mine, I felt so alone...
Then you were there. It started with a follow and a nice comment. Soon we commented on almost all of each other's posts. We collabed, found new blogs together, helped each other out. But then, one day, you were gone.

I can't remember when I realized you were gone. Your posts came less frequent, you tweeted less and you weren't the first to comment on my posts anymore. Eventually there was a goodbye post, if I'm not mistaken... It broke my heart a little. Seeing that you deactivated your blog altogether made it even worse. The blogosphere isn't the same without you...

Now I guess you're quite surprised to see me write this. I can't blame you. Who in their right mind values an online friendship so much that they're still thinking about it months, years later even? Apparently, I do. Because people online can affect our lives just as much as the people we see at work, in college or in school every day. They can make you feel appreciated. They can make you feel part of something bigger than you. That's exactly what you did for me. I've learned a lot from our friendship and I'm very grateful for that.

Quite frankly, I don't think I'll forget about you anytime soon. Sometimes I find myself looking at flowers, thinking about how much you like those. Or I hear music that I know you'd like. It still reminds me of you. It's weird to think that I'm planning to travel the world, so one day I'll visit the place where you live, yet I won't ever meet you. Maybe if you'd stayed around... Now I'll visit your country, wondering if I just walked straight past you - if you're still living in the same place. Fact is that I don't know where you are now, or what you do. But when I see or hear or smell something I know you would have liked, I hope you're in a good place. I hope you're still chasing your dreams. I hope you're never giving up on them. Most of all, I hope you're happy. You might not be part of the blogosphere anymore, but you're still part of this awesome world. So I hope you make the most out of your life, wherever you might be today.

Stay Awesome!

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12 Fellow Ramblers

  1. It's always interesting to think about the people who are still blogging and those that have found something else to do. I just celebrated my 5 year anniversary, so I've been around for a long time, and when I look at my feed of blogs, it does make me kind of sad to see the ones that aren't posting. But hey, if it's not making you happy, then why do it?

    1. Five years, that's an amazing milestone! I hope to reach it one day too. You're right, if blogging doesn't make you happy anymore, there's no point in going on. That doesn't make me miss those bloggers any less though. But I have to say it's easier to stay in touch these days, since a lot of people stay active on Twitter and Instagram after they've stopped blogging.

  2. This is such a melancholic post. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who just stop blogging after a while and you can't help but wonder why? All the people who blog are such interesting, fascinating people with diverse views. It's such a loss to the blogosphere too! But as Sunny said, if blogging doesn't make you happy, why do it?

    1. They should continue because we enjoy their blogs! No, just kidding :P Remember Kat from (Almost) Completely Mad? She had such a cool blog and just disappeared a year ago. I couldn't stop wondering about the reason why she'd disappeared like that, which is why the post is so melancholic.

  3. Envy, it was such a beautiful post. I have had this kind of blog friendships before and losing them in the world wide web wasn't easy. It felt like losing a friend in the bunch of mean high-school fellows who wouldn't care about you anymore. I still wonder about them, hoping that they're doing well in their non-online life.

    Noor | Noor's Place

    1. Thank you Noor!
      I feel exactly the same about my online friendships... Some people stay in touch on Twitter or Instagram, but there are others of whom I just know I'll never find them again. It makes me a little sad, but I hope their lives are as awesome offline as they were online.

  4. Weirdly, I was just thinking of this. I used to blog quite actively and had a few blog buddies, and occasionally I think of one of them when I see something they would have liked. It seems weird, but I suppose you can't stop your brain from making connections with people, whether you see them in person or not.
    Interesting post :)

    1. Great minds think alike! Some of my blog buddies have introduced me to certain bands or YouTube series, so every time I see or listen to that, I have to think of my buddies. Online and offline life just becomes one like that I guess.

  5. You know this is so, so sweet, and really lovely. I've had numerous blogs over the past ten years, and I didn't always write goodbye posts, I just moved on. So now I've had the same space for three years, my favourite thing is when someone from before finds my new space by chance and we get reconnected.

    I do kinda wish sometimes I could cast a net out over the internet and catch up with all the online friends I've lost touch with, because you do form an attachment to these people, their lives, how they are and what they're up too. Let's never stop being friends Envy, you're too lovely <3 x

    1. I hope you'll say goodbye if you decide to leave this blog behind! I'd be so sad if you just disappeared... I really hope we'll be friends for a long long time!
      I've sadly never found someone I used to follow four years ago when I first started. Back then bloggers weren't as social media obsessed as we are now, so if someone quit we couldn't stay in touch over Twitter and Instagram. I'm glad we can do that now :)


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good! Wait, no, I mean: I solemnly swear that I will answer each and every comment ;)