Will You Meet Me At The Bus Stop?

by - 1:01 PM

I've done a lot of tags lately. In my opinion a little too many. After all, this is one of those blogs with random writings that doesn't fit into any of the common blogging categories. So today I'm not doing a tag, I'm not telling more about myself, no, I'm showcasing one of my poems again.

Last month I got positive feedback on something rather long. This month will be different. I wrote this after meeting one of my old friends at the bus stop. From that moment on, I prayed every Tuesday that I'd see him again at the bus stop. Then my timetable changed and... the odds weren't in our favour anymore.
*Note: the poem is inspired by real life, but not autobiographical.

Will you meet me at the bus stop?
A pretentious poem by Envy Fisher

When I met you at the bus stop
It took me a split second
In the blink of an eye
I'd fallen in love with you
Long before the bus arrived

When I met you at the bus stop
I needed no one to tell me
That something between us wasn't right
Still I told you I loved you
Long before the bus arrived

When I met you at the bus stop
I couldn't accept it was over
Until you said your last goodbye
You left me there, heart-broken
Long before the bus arrived

When I didn't meet you at the bus stop
I just sat there and waited
Did nothing but cry
Whispered: 'I miss you'
Long before the bus arrived

Will you meet me at the bus stop?
It won't take long, a minute
Certainly no more than five
We'll talk it through, I promise
Long before the bus arrives

What public transportation can inspire...
I hoped you enjoyed reading this. If you did, I may be posting more of this stuff this month.

Stay Awesome!

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12 Fellow Ramblers

  1. This one is even better! :D
    I love how each para or whatever it is called seems to tell a story and when you put them together it tells one big story :)

    Neal Kind
    Daily Diaries

    1. Thank you Neal!
      I hope to achieve this effect of multiple tiny stories making up one big story more often. It's so much fun to write :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks :) Your compliment means the world to me!

  3. so "the odds weren't in our favour" made me think of "may be the odds be ever in your favor!", then leading me to connect "will you meet me at the bus top?" to "are you, are you coming to the tree?" (from "The Hanging Tree") I guess I just have Hunger Games on the mind... :P

    1. I wrote 'the odds weren't in our favour' with the Hunger Games in mind (I just love using such phrases), and you're totally right about the poem! I wrote it a few weeks before The Hanging Tree became a hit, but it really is a bit like that song!
      By the way, you're totally awesome for seeing this in a Hunger Games way ;)

    2. The only reason this reminded me of the Hunger Games was because of the internet duet we did on twitter LOL
      I like how it's a little bit depressing, but not exactly tragic. I mean, you have some people who write Disney ish romances with happily every afters and then you have those tragic romances where someone dies. or something.
      Good thing this guy got off unharmed xD

    3. Ah, our amazing duet. We're so talented XD
      I know what you mean, sometimes people just want to have everything perfect or extremely devastating, but that's just not my style. I like to keep it a little more realistic. And who knows what happened after she asked him to come to the bus stop?

  4. This is a beautiful poem! Wish I could write like that...I'm an amateur and they're still scratchy..It's harder than it looks..to put emotions into your art :)

    1. Haha, thank you so much! But I'm an amateur too, you know. Not everything I write works and I'm never sure if I did put emotions into it until I hear someone say they laughed, smiled or enjoyed reading :)
      I always pick topics that are close to me. That way it's easier to put actual feeling into the words ;)


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good! Wait, no, I mean: I solemnly swear that I will answer each and every comment ;)