Three Questions I Can't Ask Anymore
Mankind has achieved so much. We've conquered diseases and indigenous people (sometimes with a little help from diseases). We've climbed the highest mountains, explored the deepest seas, even went all the way up to the moon. But mankind always seeks new challenges. Equality is one of them.
While we try to achieve equality, we forget about the inequality between men and women in most Western countries (don't even get me started on some other countries), because this is apparently no biggie. It's way more important that we call short people 'vertically challenged' and people with Down's syndrome 'mentally limited', instead of just saying what these people are. Now that's what matters, because what the world really needs is equality for every race and type on earth. But in achieving that, we may have gone a bit too far...
Mankind is curious; our curiosity is what makes us different from animals. So I naturally ask questions about race. Even though every person on earth is equal to me, they're also individuals with there own ideas and quirks. There are differences between us, but if you say so you're racist. And you cannot, ever, ask the following questions, because they're racist. You're probably even a racist for reading this! Shame on you!
You're from Africa, how come you're white?
When I was five, I had a friend from South Africa. She was white, paler than me. I was so confused. I did what every five-year-old would do: ask Mom.
'Mom, why is Liesel white?' I asked her out of the blue.
My Mom smiled and then explained to me that South Africa had a large white population because of the many Dutch and English settlers who'd come to the country in the time of pirates and the VOC. Problem solved, confusion gone.
Still, when I see a Kenyan flag on the start list for a swimming contest, I expect to see a black dude, not a skinny white guy. That makes me wonder: why is the white guy white? Is it some weird genetics thing? Is he a descendant of white settlers? Did he move there and become a Kenyan citizen? Or was he born there out of British parents, like cyclist Chris Froome?
I get naturally curious when I see something unexpected. So many possible answers to a single question...
But I can't ask these questions, for that would make me a racist.
Why do black people suffer from a lack of vitamin D more often than others?
I used to think that a dark skin was the best type of skin you could possibly have. I wanted to have a darker skin so I could become a Black Pete. I also liked the thought of not getting sunburnt anymore. And even if I did get sunburnt with a darker skin, it wouldn't be such an emberrasing eyecatcher. I thought a dark skin was awesome.
Later on in life, I learned that people with a darker skin suffer from a lack of vitamin D during long cold winters. I don't fully understand why. Black skin blocks more UV radiation than pale skin. Doe sit also block a lot of radiation that 'makes' vitamin D? And how come that black skin blocks all this? Is it something special the pigment does? Or is it just a color spectrum thing, physics?
But I can't ask these questions, for that would make me a racist.
How do Asians recognize their friends among a group of others?
I once read an article that said that Asians pay less attention to facial features and hair when distinguishing one from another. To me, that seemed a plausible theory, because the Asian fenotype shows less 'big' differences than the European fenotype. There's not much variation in hair and eye color, at least not as much as in Europe.
So if that theory's true, what do they pay attention to? I know that when I forget my glasses, I find my friends by looking at people's body language, or a bright accesoire like a backpack. But how do Asians do that? Do they look at height, weight, body language? Size of feet, way of walking? shape of the head? Do the listen to voices? Telepathy?
But I can't ask these questions, for that would make me a racist.
Every person on this planet is equal. I totally agree to that. But we can't act as if there are no differences. It would be ignorant to do so.
I think these differences between us shouldn't be reason for odd treatments, but we shouldn't deny them either. Differences make life more beautiful, make life an adventure. If I'm racist for being interested in racial differences, then so be it.
2 Fellow Ramblers
Some time back Tudda Pudda posted a review of some Korean show believe me the lead actor and actress both looked the same only hairstyle were different.I even asked her how she keeps track of different characters (That was racist I know but it was just well wonderment).Another thing that I don't understand is why do people only imagine the Chinese people when they talk about Asian people.There are a lot of Asian countries mine included.
ReplyDeleteI wish I was white,you people such cool skin tone ,eye's color (I love blue eyes!) and hair color so different and bright.
Though somehow I've never wondered why someone from Africa is white. :P
I guess it's not racist if you're just curious. That's like saying you can't ask why two types of cheese have a different flavor even though they look the same.
DeleteI have to admit that I Always think of Chinese/Japanese/Vietnamese people when I think of Asian people. Probably because my Dad taught me early on that there are three actual races: Asian, Caucasian and let's just say 'colored', because the official name would cause haters from all over the world come here :P
It's funny how you want a white skin, while I want a darker skin :P Blue eyes are pretty and almost all my friends have blue eyes. I am the one who's different: my eyes are green/grey with brownish spots. I kinda love the diversity in color you can see in the eyes of just one single person.
I guess you wouldn't wonder why someone from Africa is white if you're not me. I have a bit of a dysfunctional brain :P
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good! Wait, no, I mean: I solemnly swear that I will answer each and every comment ;)