Everything 'bout Envy

They call me awesome. They call me weird. They call me everything in-between. I just call myself one thing: Envy Fisher, nice to meet you.

What would you like to know about me? I'll just start with the basics: I'm a twenty-year-old college student from the Netherlands. I prefer fictional characters over most humans and Captain America is my man. If you want to make me happy, tell me a story or teach me a few words in your language. If you want to make me sad, tell me you don't like Superwoman or give me salted popcorn. If you want to get to know me, simply read this blog.

Lost in Translation was founded in October 2015 and is now the perfect blog for people who like to read about as many random things as possible. I write unhelpful tutorials, a little fiction and poetry here and there, stories about my life as a college student and sometimes I try to hit a serious tone. Don't know where to start reading? You can find the best posts of the last year right here.
